A female Common Blue butterfly on a thin stem

We welcomed experienced photographer Adrian Hendley to the club to help judge our September monthly competition.  We balanced some fresh images with some older ones that Adrian hadn't seen, as it's always worth getting another opinion on an image, especially ones that have been re-edited.

In another enjoyable contest, Adrian's choices were:


  1. Common Kingfisher by David Crabtree
  2. No Way Through by Bill Nairn CPAGB
  3. On the Prowl by David Crabtree

Digitally Projected Images (DPIs)

  1. Common Blue Butterfly (female) by Bill Senior LRPS CPAGB
  2. Blowing in the Wind by Bill Nairn CPAGB
  3. Skipper on Orchid by Bill Senior LRPS CPAGB

We have a busy few weeks in our programme, so our next members' monthly competition will be on Monday 28 November, starting at 7:30pm.